Meet our MTS apprentice: Chelsea Edwards

Hi, I’m Chelsea.

I’m doing a Ministry Training Strategy (MTS) apprenticeship here at Albury Presbyterian Churches (APC). For the next two years I have the privilege of learning and serving in full-time ministry under our pastoral and leadership teams with Mike and Kara Wong as my trainers.

I can’t do this on my own. Prayer and financial support will be important in enabling me to complete this two year apprenticeship. It would be a joy to partner with you in prayer or finance. Please see below for more information and partnership details.

If you’d like to know more please feel free to email me at and we can organise a time to chat. You can also check out the MTS Apprenticeship website for more about the program.

Partnership Form:

Click here to let Chelsea know how you’d like to partner with her.

Financial partnership details:

If you’d like to partner financially with Chelsea, please use the details below.

Name: Albury Presbyterian Church
BSB: 032 600
Acc No: 860 764
Ref: MTS Chelsea