Our core values
Our mission statement is growing followers of Jesus. It’s who we are and what we are doing together under God by his power and for his glory. It’s an awesome responsibility, privilege and joy!
In growing followers of Jesus we hold these core values:-

We delight in hearing God speak to us in his living word, the Bible. We hear and obey the Word of God as the Bible is read, preached, taught and spoken.
(Psalm 19.7-11, Psalm 119, Colossians 3.15-16, 2Timothy 3.14-17, Hebrews 1.1-4)

We delight in gathering as God’s family to worship him, hearing and responding to his Word. We gather to encourage one another to grow as followers of Jesus. In our gathering we anticipate the eternal gathering before the throne of God as a great multitude from every tribe, people, language and nation saved by Christ Jesus.
(Ephesians 4.11-16, 1Thessalonians 5.11, Hebrews 10.23-25, Revelation 7.9-17)

We delight in loving others and so reflecting the God who is love. God calls us to use our gifts, our time and resources to serve and care for one another and the world. As followers of Jesus we prize love, justice and mercy.
(Luke 10.27, 1Corinthians 13, Galatians 6.10, James 1.27, 1Peter 4.7-11, 1John 3.16-18)

We delight in training each other to better serve Jesus and his people. We deliberately equip followers of Jesus to be disciple-making disciples both here and afar.
(Matthew 28.18-20, Ephesians 4.11-13, 2Timothy 2.2)

We delight in praying to God our Father expressing our dependence on his gracious sovereignty. We find great joy in approaching God our Father with confidence through Jesus by the Spirit in adoration, confession, thanksgiving and request.
(Matthew 6.9-13, Ephesians 6.18, Philippians 4.4-7, 1John 1.8-9)

We delight in speaking God’s powerful Word to each other and to outsiders. As followers of Jesus we are called to speak the truth in love reaching out to the lost and building up believers.
(John 3.16-18, Romans 1.16-17, Romans 3.21-26, Romans 10.9-15, Ephesians 4.15-16, Colossians 3.15-16, 2Timothy 4.2-5, 1Peter 3.15, 1Peter 4.11)

We delight in living out the new life that Christ Jesus has won for us through his death and resurrection. We live by his Spirit as he transforms us into his likeness, producing his fruit in our lives.
(John 10.7-11, John 11.25-26, Galatians 5.22-24, Ephesians 2.1-10, Ephesians 4.21-24, Colossians 3.12-14)

We delight in multiplying our gatherings of God’s family. We are committed to `growing big by staying small’, planting and nurturing new family gatherings as God’s Word and Spirit brings growth.
(Matthew 9.37-38, 1Corinthians 3.6-9, 1Corinthians 9.19-23, 10.31-11.1, Colossians 1.28-29)